
News Releases

Major Management Indices

Change in Major Management Indices

Fiscal Year   The 22nd The 23rd The 24th The 25th The 26th
Ended in   March 31, 2004 March 31, 2005 March 31, 2006 March 31, 2007 March 31, 2008
Net Sales millions of yen 326,883 353,894 368,308 362,240 375,102
Ordinary Income millions of yen 3,155 4,217 4,411 3,696 4,204
Net Income millions of yen 1,100 2,377 2,627 1,673 1,943
Common stock millions of yen 9,318 9,898 11,231 11,292 11,300
(Number of Shares Outstanding) 1000 stocks ( 16,364) ( 17,222) ( 19,191) (19,281) (19,292)
Net Assets millions of yen 27,843 30,983 35,664 36,690 37,937
Total Assets millions of yen 126,864 130,049 133,050 144,039 135,364
Capital-Asset Ratio   22.0% 23.8% 26.8% 25.5% 28.0%
Net Assets per Share yen 1,702.99 1,796.21 1,857.55 1,907.12 1,971.27
Total Dividend per Share for the Year
(Interim Dividend per Share)
yen 20
( 10)
( 10)
( 15)
(   15)
(   15)
Net Income per Share Primary yen 62.72 138.40 136.71 87.06 101.00
Net Income per Share Diluted yen - 127.89 126.79 83.57 97.11
Dividend Payout Ratio   31.9% 21.6% 21.9% 34.5% 39.6%
Number of Employees persons 1,145 1,195 1,201 1,222 1,266
Consolidated Net Sales millions of yen 347,394 373,748 375,759 370,006 382,348
Consolidated Ordinary Income millions of yen 3,331 4,947 4,679 4,051 4,042
Consolidated Net Income millions of yen 1,605 2,540 2,765 1,795 2,024
Consolidated Net Assets millions of yen 27,873 31,154 35,965 37,107 38,436
Consolidated Total Assets millions of yen 133,192 136,012 134,072 145,136 136,334
Consolidated Net Assets per Share yen 1,704.85 1,804.68 1,872.33 1,928.85 1,997.19
Consolidated Net Income per Share Primary yen 92.22 146.70 143.15 93.42 105.20
Consolidated Net Income per Share Diluted yen - 135.56 132.77 89.68 101.15
Cash flows from operating activities millions of yen 214 8,590 1,136 2,508 -3,880
Cash flows from investing activities millions of yen - 1,678 -1,400 -3,935 -555 -489
Cash flows from financing activities millions of yen 2,287 -4,521 -479 -1,112 884
Cash and equivalent at the end of period millions of yen 4,023 6,691 3,413 4,253 767
Number of Employees(Consolidated) persons 1,770 1,772 1,578 1,603 1,642
* On June 17, 2005, ZOA Corporation, the Company's subsidiary, listed its stock on Jasdaq Securities Exchange, Inc. and the Company sold 1,000 shares of the subsidiary's stock.

Therefore, ZOA Corporation, turned from a consolidated subsidiary into an affiliated company, to which the Company applies the equity method.

Toshihiro Tatsumi,
Finance Dept.
PHONE +81-6-6281-1161
Fax +81-6-6281-1164

May 8, 2008