
News Releases

November 1, 2007
Summary Report on Financial Results for Six Months ended September 30, 2007

List of Company Daiwabo Information System Co., Ltd. Listing Stock Exchange (Section)
Tokyo Stock Exchange (1st)
Osaka Securities Exchange
Code No. 9912
Location of Head Office 3-2-5, Hommachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka
Representative Hirokazu Matsumoto, President and CEO
Inquiry Section Toshihiro Tatsumi, Director of Finance Dept., in charge of Sales Administration Dept. and General Manager of Finance Dept.
PHONE +81-6-6281-1161  

(Fraction less than 1 millions of yen omitted)
1.Consolidated business results for the first quarter of the fiscal year ending March, 2007 (April 1, 2007 - September 30, 2007)
(1) Consolidated business results (Percentages indicate the rates increase/decrease relative to the same period of the preceding year)
  Net Sales Operating Income Ordinary Income
6 Months Ended September 30, 2007
6 Months Ended September 30, 2006
millions of yen %
174,849 0.0
174,774 0.3
millions of yen %
1,099 -31.2
1,598 - 0.8
millions of yen %
1,018 - 32.5
1,509 - 2.9
Year Ended March 31, 2007

  Net Income of the midterm Net Income per Share Net Income per Share(Diluted)
6 Months Ended September 30, 2007
6 Months Ended September 30, 2006
millions of yen %
570 -33.7
860 - 6.7
Yen Sen
29 64
44 82
Yen Sen
29 06
43 88
Year Ended March 31, 2007
93 42
89 68
(Reference) Investment loss on equity method
      Midterm ended September 2007: ¥148 million
      Midterm ended September 2006: ¥68 million
      Fiscal year ended March 2007: ¥72 million

(2) Financial position
  Total assets Net assets Ratio of shareholders' equity to total assets Net Assets Per Share
6 Months Ended September 30, 2007
6 Months Ended September 30, 2006
millions of yen
millions of yen
Yen Sen
1,946 90
1,896 18
Year Ended March 31, 2007 145,136 37,107 25.6
1,928 85
(Reference) Investment loss on equity method
      Midterm ended September 2007: ¥37,468 million
      Midterm ended September 2006: ¥36,470 million
      Fiscal year ended March 2007: ¥37,107 million

(3) Consolidated cash flow
  Net Cash from Operating Activities Net Cash from Investing Activities Net Cash from Financing Activities Cash and Cash Equivalents at Term End
6 Months Ended September 30, 2007
6 Months Ended September 30, 2006
millions of yen
millions of yen
- 209
- 308
millions of yen
- 306
- 729
millions of yen
Year Ended March 31, 2007
- 555
- 1,112

2. Dividend
Base date Net Income of the midterm Net Income per Share Net Income per Share(Diluted)
Fiscal year ending March 2007
Yen Sen
15 00
Yen Sen
15 00
Yen Sen
30 00
Fiscal year ending March 2008
15 00
30 00
Fiscal year ending March 2008 (Expected)
15 00

3. Projected consolidated business results for the fiscal year ending March 2008 (April 1, 2007-March 31, 2008)
(Percentage shown in the column for net sales, operating income, and others indicate the rate of increase/decrease relative to the preceding year in the case of full-term results and to the same period of the preceding year in the case of midterm results.)
  Net Sales Operating Income Ordinary Income
Year Ending March 31, 2008
millions of yen %
378,000 2.2
millions of yen %
3,900 - 7.7
millions of yen %
3,800 - 6.2

  Net Income at the Midterm Net Income per Share
Year Ending March 31, 2008
millions of yen %
2,150 19.8
yen sen
111 71

4. Others
(1)  Important transfers in subsidiaries during the term: None
New -
Elimination -
(2) Changes in accounting rules, procedures, and presentations related to publication of semiannual report (items required to be published in the consolidated financial statements)
1. Change in association with modification of accounting rules: Yes
2. Changes other than 1: No
[For details, please refer to "Important items for the basis of publication of consolidated semiannual financial statements (Change of accounting rules) on page 17.]
(3) Number of outstanding shares (common shares)
1. Number of outstanding shares at end of term (including own shares)
    Midterm ending September 2007: 19,290, 303 stocks
    Midterm ending September 2006: 19,274,045 stocks
    Fiscal year ending March 2007: 19,281,435 stocks

2. Own shares at end of term
    Midterm ending September 2007: 44,833 stocks
    Midterm ending September 2006: 40,596 stocks
    Fiscal year ending March 2007: 43,039 stocks
[For the number of shares on which the calculation of the midterm income per share (consolidated) is based, please refer to "Information on per share" on page 30.]

(Reference) Summary of unconsolidated business results
1. Summary of unconsolidated business activities for the midterm ending September 2007 (April 1, 2007-September 30, 2007)
(1) Unconsolidated business results (Percentages indicate the rates increase/decrease relative to the same period of the preceding year)
  Net Sales Operating Income Ordinary Income
6 Months Ended September 30, 2007
6 Months Ended September 30, 2006
millions of yen %
171,179 0.2
170,770 0.1
millions of yen %
950 -27.4
1,309 - 9.4
millions of yen %
1,138 -18.9
1,403 -13.2
Year Ended March 31, 2007

  Net Income at the Midterm Net Income per Share
6 Months Ended September 30, 2007
6 Months Ended September 30, 2006
millions of yen %
336 -60.6
854 - 8.6
Yen Sen
17 50
44 52
Year Ended March 31, 2007
87 06

(2) Unconsolidated business results (Percentages indicate the rates increase/decrease relative to the same period of the preceding year)
  Total assets Net assets Ratio of shareholders' equity to total assets Net Assets Per Share
6 Months Ended September 30, 2007
6 Months Ended September 30, 2006
millions of yen
millions of yen
Yen Sen
1,913 04
1,880 51
Year Ended March 31, 2007 144,039 36,690 25.5
1,907 12
(Reference) Shareholders' equity
     Midterm ending September 2007: ¥36,817 million
     Midterm ending September 2006: ¥36,168 million
     Fiscal year ending March 2007: ¥36,690 million

2. Expected unconsolidated business results for fiscal year ending March 2008 (April 1, 2007-March 31, 2008)
  (Percentages indicate the rates increase/decrease relative to the same period of the preceding year)
  Net Sales Operating Income Ordinary Income
Year Ending March 31, 2008
millions of yen %
370,000 2.1
millions of yen %
3,300 - 8.2
millions of yen %
3,520 -4.8

  Net Income at the Midterm Net Income per Share
Year Ending March 31, 2008
millions of yen %
1,700 1.6
yen sen
88 33

* Explanation of proper utilization of expected business results and other special remarks
1.  The predicted figures shown above are based on data available at date of publication of this material. The actual business results will differ from the expected results as a result of various factors.
2. For the items relating to the consolidated and unconsolidated expected business results for the fiscal year, we modified the expected figures published on May 10, 2007, taking into consideration the midterm business results forecast for the future.

Toshihiro Tatsumi,
Finance Dept.
PHONE: +81-6-6281-1161
FAX: +81-6-6281-1164