
News Releases

To all the members
Name of the Company Daiwabo Information System Co., Ltd.
Representative Hirokazu Matsumoto, President and CEO
(Code No. 9912, First Section of Tokyo Stock Exchange/Osaka Securities Exchange)
Head Office 3-2-5, Hommachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka
Contact person Koyama (Yoshio),
General Affairs Sect.(Public Relations)
PHONE +81-6-6281-9100

Notice of Introduction of Online Voting for General Shareholder Meetings

Online execution of voting rights has been introduced for the general shareholders meeting scheduled for June 29 this year.

In conformity with provisions set forth in Article 239-3-1 of the Commercial Code, Daiwabo Information System has newly introduced online execution of the right to vote for shareholders who cannot attend general shareholders meetings. This comes in addition to voting by mail and increases the voting options of shareholders. It is hoped that more shareholders will exercise their right to vote because of the new approach to today's information-oriented society.

How to Vote Online
1. The notice on the convocation of the general shareholders meeting will state that shareholders may exercise their voting rights online.
2. The voting form included with the notice on the convocation of the general shareholders meeting will provide the URL of webpage for exercising voting rights, voting code and password.
3. Shareholders wishing to vote online may access the site using the voting code and password, and there exercise their right to vote.

Koyama (Yoshio)
General Affairs Dept Administration Sect.
PHONE: +81-6-6281-9100
FAX: +81-6-6258-9351

May 12, 2005