
News Releases

To all the members
Name of the Company Daiwabo Information System Co., Ltd.
Representative Mitsuru Yokoyama, President and CEO
(Code # 9912, Tokyo and Osaka Stock Exchange, 1st Section)
Head Office 3-2-5, Hommachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka

DiS Technical Service and Uchida Esco Join Hands
in Support Service Industry

DiS Technical Service Co., Ltd. (main office: Osaka, president: Kanji Kato), is a member of the Daiwabo Information System Co., Ltd. (main office: Osaka, president: Mitsuru Yokoyama), group of companies and provides comprehensive support services for computers and the Internet. Recently the company joined hands with Uchida Esco Co., Ltd. (main office: Tokyo, president: Hirosuke Hara), a company with a strong track record in the field of personal computer maintenance and repair, in order to provide a nationwide service network in Japan.

The spread of e-business is exceeding all expectations. More and more companies are finding that the Internet indispensable for their business activities and computer trouble can disrupt the daily business of these companies more than ever before.

DiS Technical Service provides computer and the Internet related support 365 days a year. Support activities are conducted chiefly in the form of PHONEephone support and clients with malfunctioning products have generally been asked to send the product in for repair. However, the demand of onsite service is on the rise.

In order to strengthen our onsite support capabilities so that we can meet the needs of our clients promptly, we have obtained the cooperation of Uchida Esco, who has a record of achievement in the field of onsite support. Uchida Esco can service products made by a wide range of manufacturers and has many established maintenance and repair locations throughout Japan. Uchida Esco also has a well-established reputation as being technically capable.

Each of DiS Technical Service's seven technical centers will work with the Uchida Esco bases in the same region to divide responsibilities, share distribution facilities, achieve more efficient management of parts, and share repair information. The two companies also plan to provide comprehensive service ranging from PHONEephone support to maintenance and repair as part of the regional environmental silver ASP business planned by DiS Technical Service.

General affairs section (public relations) Saitou
PHONE +81-6-6281-9100
FAX +81-6-6258-9351

Oct. 24, 2000