
News Releases

To all the members
Name of the Company Daiwabo Information System Co., Ltd.
Representative Hirokazu Matsumoto, President and CEO
(Code No. 9912, First Section of Tokyo Stock Exchange/Osaka Securities Exchange)
Head Office 3-2-5, Hommachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka
Contact person Koyama (Yoshio),
General Affairs Sect.(Public Relations)
PHONE +81-6-6281-9100

Notice of Structural Changes and Personnel Transfers

Daiwabo Information System will make the below structural changes and personnel transfers effective July 21, 2005.

1. Structural Changes (July 21, 2005)
(1) The Procurement & Sales Promotion Div. was completely restructured.
The Procurement & Sales Promotion Administration Dept., PC Sales Promotion Dept., and PS Sales Promotion Dept. were abolished and a Sales Promotion Dept., Marketing Dept. and Sales Dept. were newly created.
(2) A Sales Promotion Dept. was added to the house-to house sales section Business.
(3) The Sales Planning Div. and Sales Planning Dept. were abolished, and those operations were transferred to the Procurement & Sales Promotion Div. and a newly created Sales Promotion Dept.

2. Personnel Transfers (July 21, 2005)
New position Old position Personnel
Managing Director & General Manager of Procurement & Sales Promotion Div.
General Manager of Procurement & Sales Promotion Dept.,Marketing Dept., & Sales Dept.
Managing Director, General Manager of Procurement & Sales Promotion Div.
General Manager of Procurement & Sales Promotion Administration Dept., PC Sales Promotion Dept., & PS Sales Promotion Dept.
Hitoshi Ogawa
Director & Deputy General Manager of Procurement & Sales Promotion Div.
Manager of Tokyo Branch Office
Director & General Manager of Sales Planning Div.
Manager of Tokyo Branch Office
Masaaki Kawasaki
Director & General Manager of East Japan Sales Div. & Kanto Sales Dept.
General Manager of Sales Promotion Dept.
Director & General Manager of East Japan Sales Div.
General Manager of Kanto Sales Dept.
Tomoyuki Komine
Director in charge of Personnel Dept. & Finance Dept.
General Manager of Corporate Planning Dept.
Director & General Manager of Finance Dept. & Corporate Planning Dept. Osamu Koyama
Assigned General Manager of Sales Promotion Div.
Manager of Logistics Group
General Manager of Sales Planning Dept.
Section Manager of Business Planning Sect.
Rikizo Nakagomi

Koyama (Yoshio),
General Affairs Sect.
PHONE: +81-6-6281-9100
FAX: +81-6-6258-9351

June 16, 2005